Tuesday, April 17, 2012

EXPOSED: The Naked Truth about Sex
April 20, 2012

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to KNOW that sex is part of God’s creation and therefore good.  However, when it’s used outside of God’s plan, it can be dangerous

We want students to BE ABLE TO establish God-honoring boundaries that they will hold onto as they get older.

Talk Notes:
God’s Plan for Sex

  • Be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28) was God’s first command
  • Holy Act
  • God’s plan for sex within marriage (Hebrews 13:4)
  • Fire Illustration (Fire is good...providing heat and warmth... as long as it’s in a fireplace or campfire ring.  Outside of that it’s dangerous and hurtful.  Sex is good, as part of a marriage.  Outside of that it’s dangerous and hurtful.)

How Far it Too Far?
  • Teenagers way of asking “What can I get away with?”
  • Creating a plan to resist temptation (fire escape route)

Restoration and Redemption
  • What do I do if I’ve already had sex or gone “too far”
  • Seeking redemption
  • The story of David and Bathsheba

Part 1: Time to Check-in

Open in prayer.

Part Two: Time in God’s Word
What reasons would students in middle school and high school give for having sex outside of marriage?

Which reasons seem completely unconvincing?  Which seem persuasive?

What reasons would students in middle school and high school give for delaying sex until marriage?

Which reasons seem completely unconvincing?  Which seem persuasive?

How sure are you about what you will or won’t do when it comes to sex before you’re married?  (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%)  Why are you at that level of certainty or uncertainty?

Has since answer changed in the last year?  If so, why do you think it changed?

What messages about sex do you find in your world, culture, or media?

What is your understanding of God’s view on sex?  How does this compare with the world/culture/media’s view?

Read Genesis 2:24 and Hebrews 13:4.  What clues do these verses give about God’s plan for sex?

What are some of the benefits of pursuing God’s plan when it comes to sex?  What are some of the challenges?

Why do you think God want us to wait when it comes to sex?

Do you think God’s desire for us to wait until marriage applies only to the physical act of sex?  Is it possible to go too far physically and emotionally without actually having sex?

How would people in your school answer the question, “How far is too far”?  How would you answer it?

Tonight, Matt said that sometimes the question how far it too far is just another way of saying what can I get away with.  Would you agree or disagree with this?

Would you agree that boundaries are important when it comes to physical interactions with members of the opposite sex?  How important is it?

When you should you set up these boundaries?  (Now or when your actually faced with temptation.)

Read 2 Timothy 2:22 and 1 Corinthians 6:18-20.    How should you respond when faced with temptation?

Read Matthew 26:41.  How does this verse apply to resisting temptation?

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13.  How does this verse encourage you when it comes to facing temptation?

What boundaries do you think you need to set now?  What boundaries can you set up now that will help you as you get older and your relationships and interactions with members of the opposite sex change?

What can you do to make sure you stick to these?

Read 1 Timothy 4:12.  What challenge does this verse put on you?  What part of it applies to what we’ve been talking about?

What can you do to live up to this challenge?

Part Three: Time for Prayer

Close in prayer.

Creative Ideas:
  • Develop a prayer ritual that you use every week.  This becomes part of your group identity.  For example, form a circle and hold hangs as you pray.
  • Open a time for praising God and have each student say a word that describes God.
  • Begin a prayer sentence and have each student complete the sentence.  For example, “God, this week help me to...”
  • Spend a few minutes in silence before someone closes the prayer time.

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