Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Parents of Rising 6th Grade Students!

Welcome to Whirlwind Middle School Ministry and the non-stop adventure known as "Raising Teenagers"!  This weekend, your son or daughter begins the transition from Children's Ministry to Student Ministry on Move-Up Sunday (June 17th)!

Some of you may have older kids who have been through Whirlwind before and you may have a good idea of what to expect.  However, for some of you, this is your first child to move up into Middle School and Middle School Ministry.  I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and let you know some of what to expect this summer.

My name is Matt Acton and I am the Director of Middle School Ministry.  I have been working in Student Ministry at Central Presbyterian Church for almost 7 years now.  A few weeks ago, I visited the 5th grade students in Children's Ministry to give them an idea of what to expect as they moved up.  Everyone who was there received a packet about Whirlwind Middle School Ministry.  If your son or daughter was not present on that Sunday or if the packet never made it home, please contact me at macton@centralpc.org and I will mail you one.

Move-Up Sunday is what we call the day when all children and students advance to the next grade.  For some kids that's switching classrooms.  For yours, it means switching programs and we want to do whatever we can to ease that transition.

Move-Up Sunday kicks off at 9:00 am on Sunday Morning in the Loft at Central Presbyterian Church.  (Unlike Children's Ministry, Student Ministry programming is only offered at 9:00 am.)  You are welcome to drop them off in the Loft, where we will spend the morning playing games, learning about Whirlwind and Middle School Ministry, and hearing a message on what God might be calling students to this summer.  Move-Up Sunday ends at 10:15 am.  At that point, students are free to leave.  We do not have a sign-in/sign-out policy in Student Ministry.  You may want to talk with your son or daughter about where they should meet you at 10:15, whether it's in the Loft or somewhere else.

In addition to Move-Up Sunday, we have a summer of activities for your new Middle-Schooler.  Every Sunday morning at 9:00 am, we have a time that we call Oasis.  For the new 6th graders, we have a class at this time called the Ring of Fire.  The purpose of this class is to talk about the transitions involved in moving from Childhood to Adolescence, Elementary School to Middle School, and Children's Ministry to Student Ministry and how these changes are part of God's design.

In addition to our regular time together on Sunday mornings, there will also be 2 semi-regular Bible studies, 1 for the guys and 1 for the girls.  The dates of these are being finalized and will be announced soon.

Also, following Summer Bible Camp on Tuesday, July 10th, there will be a big Capture the Flag game at the church for both Middle and High School Students.

Our summer program will conclude with the 5th annual Jell-Olympics on Wednesday, August 22nd...

...which brings us to our Fall Kick-Off and our regular school year program.  We kick-off our Fall with a Weekend Retreat on September 7-9 at North Bay Retreat Center called Momentum.  Registration Forms can be found here on our Whirlwind Blog.

Friday Night Whirlwind will begin the Friday following the retreat on Friday, September 14th.

For more up-to-date information, check the Whirlwind blog regularly at http://www.enterthewhirlwind.com/.

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to email me at macton@centralpc.org.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Beloved Oasis Teachers...
As the end of the school year continues to creep up on us, I wanted to give you a glance at what's being planned for this summer in Oasis.  Below is listed the schedule and classes that are in the works for this summer.

Summer is a great time for leaders to take some time off and recuperate before a new year begins in the Fall.  I hope you feel encouraged to do so. 

However, there may be some of you who would be willing to step up and help out with one of the classes being offered this summer.  If that is something you might be willing to do, please let me know.  Your phonecall or email will most likely be received with trumpets and fanfare.

Thank you for all you've done this year to create a place for Middle School students to belong on Sunday mornings.

Matt Acton

Summer Oasis
June 17 - August 26, 2012

Summer Classes:
On The Edge (OTE)
This class is for those students and leaders who are going on the Summer Mission Trip to Ligonier, Pennsylvania.  The focus will be on team-building, examining our motivations for going, and beginning to develop servant-attitudes.
OTE Teachers: Matt Acton and OTE Leaders

Ring of Fire
This class is for all rising 6th grade students.  The focus is on helping students to navigate the transitions from childhood to adolescence, elementary school to middle school, and Children’s Ministry to Student Ministry.
RIng of Fire Teachers:

Summer Oasis 1 and 2
This class is for 7th and 8th grade students.  For this class, the summer will be broken into 2 sessions.  The first session will include 7th and 8th graders who are not attending the summer mission trip.  The second session will include all 7th and 8th grade students.  Each session will feature its own 4-week video driven curriculum.
Summer Oasis 1 Teachers:
Summer Oasis 2 Teachers:

Summer Calendar:
June 17 - All Together
June 24 - OTE, Ring of Fire, Summer Oasis 1
July 1 - OTE, Ring of Fire, Summer Oasis 1
July 8 - OTE, Ring of Fire, Summer Oasis 1
July 15 - No Oasis (VBS)
July 22 -Ring of Fire, Summer Oasis 1
July 29 - Ring of Fire, Summer Oasis 2
August 5 - Ring of Fire, Summer Oasis 2
August 12 - Ring of Fire, Summer Oasis 2
August 19 - Ring of Fire, Summer Oasis 2
August 26 - All Together
EXPOSED: The Naked Truth about Sex
April 20, 2012

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to KNOW that sex is part of God’s creation and therefore good.  However, when it’s used outside of God’s plan, it can be dangerous

We want students to BE ABLE TO establish God-honoring boundaries that they will hold onto as they get older.

Talk Notes:
God’s Plan for Sex

  • Be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28) was God’s first command
  • Holy Act
  • God’s plan for sex within marriage (Hebrews 13:4)
  • Fire Illustration (Fire is good...providing heat and warmth... as long as it’s in a fireplace or campfire ring.  Outside of that it’s dangerous and hurtful.  Sex is good, as part of a marriage.  Outside of that it’s dangerous and hurtful.)

How Far it Too Far?
  • Teenagers way of asking “What can I get away with?”
  • Creating a plan to resist temptation (fire escape route)

Restoration and Redemption
  • What do I do if I’ve already had sex or gone “too far”
  • Seeking redemption
  • The story of David and Bathsheba

Part 1: Time to Check-in

Open in prayer.

Part Two: Time in God’s Word
What reasons would students in middle school and high school give for having sex outside of marriage?

Which reasons seem completely unconvincing?  Which seem persuasive?

What reasons would students in middle school and high school give for delaying sex until marriage?

Which reasons seem completely unconvincing?  Which seem persuasive?

How sure are you about what you will or won’t do when it comes to sex before you’re married?  (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%)  Why are you at that level of certainty or uncertainty?

Has since answer changed in the last year?  If so, why do you think it changed?

What messages about sex do you find in your world, culture, or media?

What is your understanding of God’s view on sex?  How does this compare with the world/culture/media’s view?

Read Genesis 2:24 and Hebrews 13:4.  What clues do these verses give about God’s plan for sex?

What are some of the benefits of pursuing God’s plan when it comes to sex?  What are some of the challenges?

Why do you think God want us to wait when it comes to sex?

Do you think God’s desire for us to wait until marriage applies only to the physical act of sex?  Is it possible to go too far physically and emotionally without actually having sex?

How would people in your school answer the question, “How far is too far”?  How would you answer it?

Tonight, Matt said that sometimes the question how far it too far is just another way of saying what can I get away with.  Would you agree or disagree with this?

Would you agree that boundaries are important when it comes to physical interactions with members of the opposite sex?  How important is it?

When you should you set up these boundaries?  (Now or when your actually faced with temptation.)

Read 2 Timothy 2:22 and 1 Corinthians 6:18-20.    How should you respond when faced with temptation?

Read Matthew 26:41.  How does this verse apply to resisting temptation?

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13.  How does this verse encourage you when it comes to facing temptation?

What boundaries do you think you need to set now?  What boundaries can you set up now that will help you as you get older and your relationships and interactions with members of the opposite sex change?

What can you do to make sure you stick to these?

Read 1 Timothy 4:12.  What challenge does this verse put on you?  What part of it applies to what we’ve been talking about?

What can you do to live up to this challenge?

Part Three: Time for Prayer

Close in prayer.

Creative Ideas:
  • Develop a prayer ritual that you use every week.  This becomes part of your group identity.  For example, form a circle and hold hangs as you pray.
  • Open a time for praising God and have each student say a word that describes God.
  • Begin a prayer sentence and have each student complete the sentence.  For example, “God, this week help me to...”
  • Spend a few minutes in silence before someone closes the prayer time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

STORYBOARD -  Act 3: Redemption
March 16, 2012

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to KNOW the lengths God will go through to restore our relationship with Him.

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to BE ABLE TO reflect on their current relationship with Jesus.

Talk Notes:

Part 1: Time to Check-in

Open in prayer.

Part Two: Time in God’s Word

Imagine you are a prisoner in a cell.  What do you think your life would be like?  What would your attitude be?  How would you feel about your life?

Have you ever felt trapped by your own mistakes or shortcomings?  What is it like?  What do you do about it?

Read Romans 3:23.

What do you think of this verse?  Do you agree or disagree with it?  Explain.

Do you know anyone who has lived a flawless life without making any mistakes?

Read Romans 6:23.

How does the first part of this verse relate to the warning God gave Adam and Eve regarding the fruit they ate?  (Genesis 2:16-17)

Throughout the Old Testament, they make references to animal sacrifices.  This was an attempt to cover up your own sins and mistakes.  Since the cost of sin was death, you would kill the animal in your place.  The thought was the more flawless the animal, they more likely it will cover your mistakes.  It’s where we get the word “scapegoat”.

Read Romans 5:8 and 2 Corinthians 5:21.

In what way is Jesus the ultimate “scapegoat”?  

Read Mark 15:22-39

What thoughts or feelings does this passage bring up for you?  

Take a moment to read the passage again, but this time keep in mind that what Jesus is doing... what he’s enduring... he’s doing for you.  Not just us... but you.

In this scene, there are crowds of people.  There are people mocking Jesus and condemning him.  There are people who are just there and don’t really know what’s happening.  Then there are people who know Jesus and are weeping over what’s happening.  If you were there, which group do you think you might fit into?

Read Romans 8:38-39.

What does Jesus’ death on the cross mean for us?

In a way, our mistakes and shortcomings can make us feel like we’re living in a prison cell.  How can knowing Jesus and what he did and does for us bring us out of that cell?

What impact do you think what Jesus did should have on a person’s life?  What impact has it had on your life?

Does the way you live your life accurately show this?  

How does your life now reflect whatever relationship you have with Jesus?  How do you want  your life to reflect your relationship with Jesus?

Part Three: Time for Prayer

Close in prayer.

Creative Ideas:

  • Develop a prayer ritual that you use every week.  This becomes part of your group identity.  For example, form a circle and hold hangs as you pray.
  • Open a time for praising God and have each student say a word that describes God.
  • Begin a prayer sentence and have each student complete the sentence.  For example, “God, this week help me to...”
  • Spend a few minutes in silence before someone closes the prayer time.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm sorry for the lateness of these Breakout Questions.

A few things before Friday...

Attached is the Plan for Whirlwind.

Next Friday is Breakout Night so you want to have a plan this Friday that you can communicate with your group. Also, be sure to get me a detailed copy of your plan that I can share with families. Be sure to include times, costs, and locations.

Our next Liturgy has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 14th and we're going to move it to the Westra's for the night (11 Sonachan Court, Towson, MD 21286)

STORYBOARD -  Act 2: Inciting Incident
March 2, 2012

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to KNOW how their mistakes impact their relationship with God and others.

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to BE ABLE TO seek reconciliation

Talk Notes:

Part 1: Time to Check-in

Open in prayer.

Part Two: Time in God’s Word

When you make a mistake and do something wrong at home or school, what do you do to keep your parents from finding out?  What usually happens when they do?  What impact does this have on your relationship with your parents?

When a friend does something that hurts you, how does that make you feel?  What impact does that have on your friendship?  How easy is it to forgive them?

Read Genesis 2:8-18.  

What do you think it would have been like to live in the garden with God?  What would have been some of the perks?  

What was the one thing God asked Adam and Eve not to do?  Do you think this was a reasonable request or not?  Explain.

Read Genesis 3:6-24

What were some of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s mistake?  What impact did it have on their relationship with God?

What are some of the examples of things people can do to negatively impact their relationship with God?

What are some of the ways your choices have impacted your relationship with God?

Read Romans 1:21-25.

While today, we might not worship images of birds, animals, and reptiles, there are still plenty of things we put before God in our lives.  What are some of those things?  Which ones come between you and God?

What do you think verse 25 means?  What lies are people exchanging for the truth about God today?  (Think back to the media series.)

What are some of the “created things” people serve instead of God?  What “created things” might you be serving?

How might you reword verse 25 so that it might be better understood in your school and among your friends?

Assuming you know what is right and what it wrong, why would you choose what is wrong?

When God looks at our world and sees people living out verse 25, how do you think that might make Him feel?  If you were God, how would you respond?

How would you hope God might respond?

When you do something that hurts your relationship with a friend or parent, what do you do to try to fix it?  Does that undo your mistake?

What is reconciliation?  What is it’s value?

What keeps us from reconciling with others?  What keeps us from reconciling with God?

What do you need to do to seek reconciliation with God or others this week?

Part Three: Time for Prayer

Close in prayer.

Creative Ideas:

  • Develop a prayer ritual that you use every week.  This becomes part of your group identity.  For example, form a circle and hold hangs as you pray.
  • Open a time for praising God and have each student say a word that describes God.
  • Begin a prayer sentence and have each student complete the sentence.  For example, “God, this week help me to...”
  • Spend a few minutes in silence before someone closes the prayer time.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

STORYBOARD -  Act 1: Origin Story
February 24, 2012

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to KNOW that what God created is good... even themselves.

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to BE ABLE TO recognize the uniqueness and value God sees when He looks at them.

Talk Notes:

Part 1: Time to Check-in

Open in prayer.

Part Two: Time in God’s Word

What is something that is unique about you?  What is something that is unique about your family?

Read Genesis 1:26-31.

In what way were we created?  

What could it mean to be created “in the image of God”?

What does God say when He looks back over His creation?  (vv. 25, 31)

Ask a student to tell yout heir birthday.  Then say, “On _____________, God created you.  When He looked at what He created, he declared it good.”  How does that make you feel?

Do you put more value in what God thinks of you or what others think?  Why?

Read Psalm 139:13-18.

According to this Psalm, how well does God know you?  Which verses support this?

How does it make you feel to realize how well God knows you?

Based on what we read in Genesis and Psalm 139, how does God feel about His creation?  Do you believe He feels this way about you?  Why or why not?

Read Jeremiah 29:10-14.  This passage is written about God’s chosen people during their exile to Babylon.  In what way do these words apply to us today?

Do you believe God has a plan or a dream for you and your life?  Do have any sense what it might be?

What do you think it takes to figure it out?

Is God’s plan for you something that kicks in when you become an adult, or is there something you could be doing right now to live out His plan?

What’s something you can do this week to become the person God has created you to be?

Part Three: Time for Prayer

Close in prayer.

Creative Ideas:
  • Develop a prayer ritual that you use every week.  This becomes part of your group identity.  For example, form a circle and hold hangs as you pray.
  • Open a time for praising God and have each student say a word that describes God.
  • Begin a prayer sentence and have each student complete the sentence.  For example, “God, this week help me to...”
  • Spend a few minutes in silence before someone closes the prayer time.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week of June 3, 2012

Whirlwind is the Middle School Ministry of Central Presbyterian Church

Whirlwind Family Barbecue
This Friday, June 8th at 6:30 pm at the Pavilion behind Central Presbyterian Church

Your whole family is invited to join us as we celebrate another great year in Whirlwind

Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Veggie Burgers will be provided.  6th grade families please bring a drink to share.  7th grade families bring a side item to share.  8th grade families please bring a dessert to share!

At the end of the night, 8th Graders are invited to a get a taste of High School Ministry.  Details and Permission Forms can be found here!

OTE Summer Mission Trip 
Team Meetings

Wednesday, June 13th from 6-8 pm
Sunday, June 24th from 9-10:15 am

Sunday, July 1st from 9-10:15 am
Sunday, July 8th from 9-10:15 am

Also, on Sunday, June 17th all students and adults going on mission trips this summer will be commissioned in all the worship services at Central Presbyterian Church.  

There are a few spaces left if your son or daughter would still like to attend.  Please email Matt Acton at macton@centralpc.org.

Student Ministry Fall Retreat
September 7-9 at North Bay 

Registration Forms now available online!

For Parents and Families

The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding features resources and tools to help equip parents of teenagers.  Attached to this email is their monthly Parent Page for June featuring youth culture hot lists, quotes, analysis of news and research, and more.

HomeCentral is a resource for families of all shapes and sizes.  Check out the HomeCentral location at Central Presbyterian Church for tools and resources or check them out online at www.homecentralcpc.org/.

If you have an questions or concerns about Whirlwind Middle School Ministry, please don't hesitate to contact us via macton@centralpc.org.