Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week of June 3, 2012

Whirlwind is the Middle School Ministry of Central Presbyterian Church

Whirlwind Family Barbecue
This Friday, June 8th at 6:30 pm at the Pavilion behind Central Presbyterian Church

Your whole family is invited to join us as we celebrate another great year in Whirlwind

Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Veggie Burgers will be provided.  6th grade families please bring a drink to share.  7th grade families bring a side item to share.  8th grade families please bring a dessert to share!

At the end of the night, 8th Graders are invited to a get a taste of High School Ministry.  Details and Permission Forms can be found here!

OTE Summer Mission Trip 
Team Meetings

Wednesday, June 13th from 6-8 pm
Sunday, June 24th from 9-10:15 am

Sunday, July 1st from 9-10:15 am
Sunday, July 8th from 9-10:15 am

Also, on Sunday, June 17th all students and adults going on mission trips this summer will be commissioned in all the worship services at Central Presbyterian Church.  

There are a few spaces left if your son or daughter would still like to attend.  Please email Matt Acton at

Student Ministry Fall Retreat
September 7-9 at North Bay 

Registration Forms now available online!

For Parents and Families

The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding features resources and tools to help equip parents of teenagers.  Attached to this email is their monthly Parent Page for June featuring youth culture hot lists, quotes, analysis of news and research, and more.

HomeCentral is a resource for families of all shapes and sizes.  Check out the HomeCentral location at Central Presbyterian Church for tools and resources or check them out online at

If you have an questions or concerns about Whirlwind Middle School Ministry, please don't hesitate to contact us via

January 13, 2012

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to KNOW the impact media can have on their lives and their relationship with God.

By the end of Whirlwind, we want students to BE ABLE TO begin to think critically about what media they are exposed to.

Talk Notes:

Part 1: Time to Check-in

Pass around a bowl of M&M’s and have everyone take one.  They have to share something about their Christmas Break based on what color they picked.
Red: Favorite Christmas gift they gave
    Green: Favorite Christmas gift they received
    Blue: Favorite Christmas tradition their family has
    Brown: Favorite thing they did over the break
    Orange: New Year’s resolution
    Yellow: They pick what to share

Open in prayer.

Part Two: Time in God’s Word

In a given week, how much TV do you watch?  What do you usually watch?

What was the last movie you went to see in theaters?  

What was the last movie you rented?  Who did you watch it with?

What was the last video game you played?  What was it rated?  How much do you pay attention to video game ratings?

What kind of music do you listen to?  What song have recently been listening to non-stop?

If a stranger picked up you iPod or mp3 player and scrolled thru your music, what conclusions would they most likely draw about you?

How important is media (TV, music, movies, video games) to you?

If you were completely cut off from media (no music, no movies, no tv, no gaming), how long do you think it would take before you went crazy?

Do you think god cares about what you listen to, watch or play?  Why or why not?

If so, what do you think god would say about your media choices?

Read Romans 12:2.

What do you think it means to “conform to the pattern of this world”?

What are some of the patterns in our world that are obviously unhealthy?  What patterns might not seem unhealthy, but might go against God’s will?

How easy would it be for you to conform to the patterns of our world?

What role might our media choices play in causing us to conform?

What do you think it means to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”?

Read Philippians 4:8.

What might this verse say about “renewing your mind”?

Listen to Romans 12:2 again, but from the Message translation:

Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

How does this verse apply to what we’re talking about with media?

How can your relationship with God impact the media you are exposed to?

Challenge: Try to apply these verses to what you watch or listen to.  How does your media measure up to Philippians 4:8?

Part Three: Time for Prayer

Close in prayer.

Creative Ideas:
  • Develop a prayer ritual that you use every week.  This becomes part of your group identity.  For example, form a circle and hold hangs as you pray.
  • Open a time for praising God and have each student say a word that describes God.
  • Begin a prayer sentence and have each student complete the sentence.  For example, “God, this week help me to...”
  • Spend a few minutes in silence before someone closes the prayer time.